Personal Website

Personal portfolio and blog

Personal Website preview image

The Challenge

I needed to make a personal website in order to tell about myself from the development aspect. I wanted not to stretch the time I spend doing it, so I set myself a deadline of two weeks. I had to design a fully-functional website that has all the main features.

Project Goals

My main goal was to create a website that will tell more about me as a developer. I had already made a portfolio website before I started developing this one, but I decided to change my development stack and start from scratch in order to make the new website scalable and come up with new design ideas.

I decided to focus on telling more about projects I have made instead of just putting a list of skills and links to GitHub repositories.

Example of a project page

Also I wanted the website to be aesthetically pleasing to its visitors, so I spent some time designing website pages in Figma.

Page design example

Used Technologies